Tuesday 7 January 2014

Where are the explosions?

Today I received a comment on last week's blog, Tory Lies or Labour Cluelessness and I have published this comment. Unfortunately the person who wrote it has missed the point. The list that he published on his Facebook page was called "ten Tory lies". All the points in his comment could be true, and it wouldn't show that the Tories had lied. For that you'd need to reference an actual statement by a Tory which contradicts one of those truths.

To take number one of the 'lies', if David Cameron had said "Royal Mail was making a loss when privatised" then he would have been contradicting his own government's Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, and as the person who made the comment pointed out himself, David would have been contradicting presumably carefully audited figures from royalmail.com itself and from other sources. Furthermore David would have been massively undermining his own government's privatisation plans, the success of which was vital to his own political future.
The political explosions from these Tory 'lies' would have been considerable. So where are those explosions? It is difficult to come to any conclusion other than that some Labour Party supporters who produce infographics don't know how to string an argument together. It is also sad to see the language used by Labour supporters when they pat each other on the back for supporting these 'lies'

Change the world

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