Sunday 23 August 2009

Influencing decisions

When I think of a subject for a blog I don't want to write about something that has made the headlines and is something that I agree with. My motivation comes from opinions that sound correct but I don't agree with them. This is what politics should be about. If you get politicians saying the same thing then you don't get a choice.

So following on from yesterday's blog I found some comments that differ from mine. "It isn't immoral for companies to donate to parties in exchange for policies". That's a good start. Take this to the extreme and you get the country led by - well pick a big company and take its managing director. If you think this is extreme then just come back to the present situation and see where you would draw the line. There is a point where anyone would say an unelected chairman of a company should not be directing the country.

"Anyone who gives to a political party expects something in return so there is not a problem". Well if you want to buy a knighthood that's fine as long as you tell everyone that they are for sale. Otherwise it is just letting your friends have an "honour". Pressure groups try to influence decision making but once you sponsor an MP then have you bought their opinion? I know of one MP who has been supported by the Communication Workers Union, but now uses a private mailing company. It is a good job she doesn't still receive financial support because this is how funding influences decision making.

To take a current example, President Obama is trying to implement an improved American health service. Who is stopping him? The rich private health companies who don't care for the poor, or even the rich who don't buy their policies. There is money to be made in misery, but should American businesses make policy decisions. Yes if you don't care for the poor.

Change the world

1 comment:

  1. It still escapes me why the bulk of people ALWAYS expect something in return when they do something for you. If a return is expected the action is not truly giving.
