Friday, 12 February 2010

Plus ça change (plus c'est la même chose).

Have you seen it all before or do new things develop by revolution or evolution? I was on a course recently and part of the agenda was about managing change. I also managed to get to the theatre and see a Chekhov play. This is a play set in pre-television days and two of the characters had a debate. How often do you see that nowadays? The debate was about change and one argument went along the lines that nothing changes. Just watch the birds fly south. They do this every year. There are definitely climatic cycles and similar human characteristics are seen throughout history. Others will argue that times are changing and if we could stand still we shouldn't. Technology is changing every week or even every day.

So do we learn from history and improve or do we keep making the same old mistakes. I think there is a strong case for making the same old mistakes and that is why it becomes more and more important to provide checks and balances in our society. I like the idea of greater public involvement and Rousseau's belief in direct democracy can be achieved with the help of technology. If we really want to evolve then technology may just be able to help if we use it wisely. Maybe we will change.


  1. Michael,

    As someone who puts his faith and trust in party politics and is a Liberal Democrat supporter. I'd appreciate reading an article and your views on this:-

    Look forward to reading what you have to say.

    Yours in truth politics

  2. Thanks anonymous. I have a busy couple of days ahead of me so I won't be able to give a considered opinion but my first reaction is to give you a little story. Someone knocks on your door and says "leave the town as everything you have done is now public knowledge". Everyone would leave the town.

  3. Yes Michael its a tough question and I can understand why your having difficulty in addressing it. Maybe your friends may be able to help you out with an answer.

    "A little story" - I can see why your aspiring to be a politician; lol

  4. I am presuming that you are the same anonymous. Have you seen my Monday blog on the Internet Posse? As for this comment, I don't have difficulties with tough questions. I generally set out what I see as an obvious way to look at things. Can you tell me where I wrote "a little story"? I can't join in lol because I can't remember it. Anyway what is the reason for anonymity? I promise not to be shocked if we have met, and it doesn't matter at all if we don't know each other.

  5. I have looked for ten minutes and my little story was right in front of me! I'm not keen on having all my faults displayed in public (including not finding comments in blogs) but I am willing to answer all the questions that make me look good.

  6. "I was on a course recently and part of the agenda was about managing change"

    Would that be a leadershiip course for change agents Michael? Could you inform us readers which organisation runs the course and its content(a website link maybe!) as it sounds interesting.

    Kind regards

  7. A lot of management courses deal with change. I used to work in the NHS and now I work for a care home and I have been on quite a few management courses. Managing change may not be the title of the course but it is usually on the agenda.

    I hope that helps.

  8. Pity you never addressed the question Michael, but if your aspiring to be a politician you seem to be getting there. Must be the training! lol.

    Anyway in case you missed it, the fact is your response to this question remains negative:-

    Could you inform us readers which organisation runs the course and its content(a website link maybe!) as it sounds interesting.

  9. BUMP

    Could you inform us readers which organisation runs the course and its content(a website link maybe!) as it sounds interesting.

    The internet posse;; lol

  10. I did write back to anonymous privately after the previous comment and informed him or her that I don’t think that a mention of my work and the specific course is either necessary or relevant. I work as a deputy care manager in a residential care home. I have worked in NHS management too, and I really can’t see the big deal in not bringing my work into my blogs.

    Maybe anonymous is a budding Jeremy Paxman. Let’s be generous and say that my private email was not received. Could I suggest that anonymous takes part in any management course as it sounds like it will all be of interest? Management courses deal with change and even if I gave the name of the organiser it is not open to the general public so anonymous can’t go on it unless they work for the same organisation.

    I am not sure why there are lots of laughs related to the internet posse. Perhaps you could explain, and perhaps you could also answer the question about why you choose anonymity.

  11. I have rejected another anonymous comment because it was a repeat. I can't remember rejecting a comment before but it was boring. I did learn that anonymous hadn't received my email to him or her but all the information is in the public domain.

  12. Anonymous has commented again. My first reaction was to reject the comment as it said nothing new and resorted to abuse, but as he or she said they won't be visiting the blog again I will copy it here:-

    Whats boring Michael is your consistent ignorance of addressing the tough questions.

    I dont find your modus operandi as editor here respectful Michael. Its certainly not a level playing field of debate here and theres a complete disregard imo for truth.

    This forum is highly deceptive. I wont be coming here again.

  13. "Complete disregard for the truth". I would like one example of a lie, but I think I would prefer an end to his or her comments. It is more likely to be a reference to their preoccupation with wayward politicians but I did have a go at a general answer on the 15th Feb.

    Anonymous is correct that it isn't a level playing field because it is my blog and I am the editor, but I think that the ‘tough’ question was their agenda. I thought I had a good go at it, and was hardly a blatant disregard for the truth.

    I apologise if a lack of respect for the person was perceived but none was intended.
