Sunday 17 May 2009

Don't abuse any section of society

Yesterday's blog showed a concern about extremist views because I received a leaflet from the BNP who 'put British people first'. There is a picture of someone with a stethoscope around their neck, who is concerned about immigration. What does this mean? What is the BNP trying to say? A concern for immigration panders to xenophobic fears. A friend of mine who is Caucasian and Canadian was in a queue for a supermarket till and the lady in front of him started to complain about foreigners who were taking our jobs. He did make her aware that he was Canadian. He didn't say this to her but he did make a joke to me by saying "I'm not taking your job because you can't read or write". Some people have the ability to get over insult by joking but others cannot. A deeper understanding of the joke is that we need skilled people and sometimes we need to bring them in from other countries. Exactly the same arguments could be used for semi-skilled and non-skilled workers.

I believe that I should have the ability to live and work anywhere in the world and I would like others to have this ability. My friend is a professional and works in a hospital but it doesn't matter if they are artists or musicians or street cleaners. In practice, BNP literature panders to xenophobic fears and arouses race hatred. How would the BNP deal with our multi-cultural society if they had any power? How would I be dealt with if I worked (or retired) abroad? In their leaflet they claim that Muslims are abusive (no reference given). How do they get away with racist insult? All sections of society may be abusive and the BNP lead the way (reference their election leaflet).

Change the world

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