Friday, 30 April 2010
Doorstep Politics
If the talk is not about the leaders' debate then I am getting lively conversations about Gordon Brown's Rochdale debacle. I admit that some have mentioned that they are still supporting Gordon, but the majority have seen him in a new light.
If my experience is anything to go by then Labour support will fall away dramatically.
Change the world
Defensive actions
More concerning than this one small aspect of Tory policy is the idea of "defensive medicine". If one patient in a hundred falls seriously ill after they present with a few symptoms, then doctors have to bear in mind that they may be prosecuted if they are not seen to act properly.
I also spoke with a police officer this week and coincidentally his concerns were of a similar nature. Defensive policing means that actions have to be taken just in case something goes wrong. This week the arrest of Damian Green has been in the news. Would he have been arrested if the police had not been concerned about political correctness? A couple of weeks ago the leader of Manchester City Council was arrested for an alleged assault against his stepdaughter. He temporarily stood down from his position as leader. I don't know any details but it may be the case that the stepdaughter regrets her actions, the leader's life has been turned upside down and so too has that of the ruling body of a large city council. Has this happened because of defensive policing? This may not be the case in this instance but defensive policing is happening every day.
Change the world
Thursday, 29 April 2010
I agree with ...
It is the other parties that can actually be seen to vacillate on this issue. "I agree with Nick" was the catchphrase of the first leader's debate, as Gordon Brown tried to recruit Nick on the spot into an anti-Tory pact, but in the second it had been supplanted by "Get real" from Gordon, and "I agree with Gordon" from David Cameron. "Get real" apparently means accepting without question an expensive like-for-like replacement of Trident even though the world is a very different place from when Trident was first developed. "Get real" should mean having a review of military spending, and we can't exclude from that review the single most important item of military spending, the one which might justify having a review in the first place.
This shows the real danger of a hung parliament - the extent to which it could draw Labour and the Tories into coalition. At the moment they can indulge in expensive fantasies while at least pretending to oppose one another. In a hung parliament fantasies would be exposed for what they are. The only way they'll be able to get things like a new Trident implemented without any debate or oversight will be by having David's "I agree with Gordon" being met increasingly by "I agree with David" from Gordon. Meanwhile, most voters would say "I agree with Nick". The only way to limit the dangers of a Lab-Con collaboration is by having a strong Liberal Democrat presence in the next parliament. Could this be the election where people actually vote for what they agree with?
Incidentally, there's lots of good "I agree with Nick" T-shirts and other merchandise out there - look at or or just Google for more. I don't get a commission from any of this, I just think it's a good enough idea to be worth mentioning.
Change the world.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Letter to the paper
I know that there is a serious side to the headline in The Visitor (28th April) “MBIs expel their ex-leader” but I was amused that you could be expelled by independents. Can Evelyn Archer stand as an independent in the next local elections? How can anyone stop her? The irony is that the independents were elected because of their leaflets opposing party politics at a time when party politicians were not popular. They are now seen for what they are, a political party, and chickens will come home to roost.
Michael Gradwell
Who makes Gordon angry and upset?
The damage is done and it isn't about his views on foreign workers. It is about his judgement of others. It is about his private versus public opinions but for me it is about the stage management of his campaing. I have heard on many occasions that Gordon is meeting real voters not pary stooges. In the past couple of weeks the handshakes have looked like they have gone to party members. On this occasion a lady walks down to the shop, asks a decent question and gets called a bigot. Gordon was caught on a microphone criticising others. He should not have been talking to this woman - and she was a Labour supporter!
In public Gordon is very angry and upset with himself. You can't help thinking that he is very angry and upset with his party workers.
Change the world
Rotten Borough Politics
I understand that the rules surrounding elections limit the amount that each candidate may spend. In Morecambe we are now on our fourth wave of Tory political posters. I know how they can afford to pay for all their leaflets and all their posters -it's because the posters are actually financed by Lord Ashcroft - but I'm not sure why one party is allowed to spend so much more than the others. At least, though, the posters are so bad that if they do actually influence anyone's vote, it's likely to be against voting Tory. When I think of how the money the Tories spent on those posters might have been spent on more effective campaigning, my inclination is to say "bring it on". Then, when I think of how Lord Ascroft doesn't pay UK tax on his offshore billions, and think of how much in services all these posters could have paid for if he did pay tax, I feel indignant again, until I realise that there's a positive side to all this - namely, Lord Ashcroft staying offshore.
Change the world
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
What makes you vote?
What about the argument that we fought world wars to get the vote? Well this may not convince everyone and even if we realise that the alternative to democracy may be dictatorship then some would say that is good. The problem, of course, is that we have no checks or balances if we have a dictator. We get the government we deserve but if you remain unmoved by any of the parties then do take part in the democratic process. Go into the polling station and spoil your vote. You have participated and who knows, you may even be moved to vote for one of the candidates.
Change the world
Monday, 26 April 2010
A quote from John Cleese
Now the tables are turned. She needs to add two 'n's to her leaflet and write 'it is clear that neither Labour nor the Tories will form the next governmnent'. Ironically there is another headline in her leaflet 'Every Vote Counts'. If every vote counted then everyone would vote for the party that they wanted to win. As John Cleese told us in his memorable broadcasts, "if everyone who'd wanted the Lib Dems to be in power actually voted for them, they'd win".
Yesterday Nick Clegg said that it was "potty" if Labour got fewer votes than their rivals but still tried to form a government. There are many "potty" scenarios to our FPTP system but it really feels like we have already reached a tipping point and we will get change.
Change the world
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Why buy one manifesto?
I asked for all three and then asked if they have any others. The answer was no. I felt particularly sorry for the Green Party as I understand that Lancaster is it's second strongest constituency and you can't buy the manifesto here. I am sure that I could get a copy online but that's not the way I buy my manifestos, and I am sure it will put a lot of people off who may have bought them from the local shop. After all they are not the sort of book that you will want to buy after the election unless the party forms a government.
Change the world
Saturday, 24 April 2010
UKIP's homework
Today I will mention the UKIP leaflet that came through my door and their advert in the local paper. The name on the leaflet is not correct. However it hardly seems to matter as we don't learn anything about this person. The photograph may as well be the photo of the new candidate. The leaflet is only A5 so we don't learn much about policy but we do learn that they are asking for referendums on all major issues. What is a major issue? Locally they want a referendum on the M6/Heysham link road. What is their opinion? We don't know the views of the candidate or the person on the leaflet but what we do know is that Lord Pearson was on the Campaign Show calling for a referendum on Europe "with all its incredible attendant costs". Now they want referenda on all things major with all their incredible attendant costs. At best we can say this policy is confusing.
I live in Morecambe and our weekly paper is called The Morecambe Guardian. On the front page UKIP have an advert for their Lancaster and Fleetwood candidate. If only they had done their homework...
Change the world
Friday, 23 April 2010
UKIP revisited
On a question about disability benefits, a female caller was concerned that a UKIP candidate had talked about cutting disability benefits and she felt this was really frightening for people who can't work. Lord Pearson admitted that he was not a professional politician (he is a member of the House of Lords so what sort of advert is that?) and did not have answers for details of policy, but he was not aware of anything in his manifesto that would reduce support for disabilities. You would guess that Lord Pearson's knowledge of policy would be greater than the average candidate. Let's hope that candidate is rebuked for this misinformation. What is certain is that Lord Pearson is not aware of the detail of the leaders' debate.
Lord Pearson assures us that UKIP supports people with disabilities and the questioner was wrong. The questioner was not reassured and confidently replied that his lack of specific information was not appreciated. I would support the questioner. There may a lot more than one UKIP candidate talking about cutting benefits because they think that it sounds like they are talking tough and it will win votes. However the leader did not confirm this position. What he did confirm was that he did not have a firm knowledge of policy. In his interview on the Campaign Show Lord Pearson did mention that he had read his manifesto (that's good) but couldn't remember the detail (that's bad). They aren't huge documents. Perhaps he may take another look at the manifesto before his next interview.
Change the world
Thursday, 22 April 2010
UKIP and reciprocal agreements
He asked about the reciprocal health agreements with the EU as well as the right to live and work in Europe. These rights could easily be removed if Britain left the EU. What would UKIP do if several million people returned to Britain and needed help with things like housing, health and social care. The reply was that this "really isn't the picture at all". If we left the EU then nothing would change.
The caller was not reassured by the answer and neither am I. Take the reciprocal health agreement. This costs Europe much more than it costs us. I have no doubt that it would go. No more E111. If you don't believe me then look what Britain has done to the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. The reciprocal health agreement costs us money so Gordon Brown got rid of it. If you are going to these islands on holiday then do check your holiday insurance.
Lord Pearson thinks it is in the interest of Europe to leave the reciprocal health agreements in place. He is wrong.
Change the world
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Morecambe Town Council Website (continued)
The title of the press release is 'The Town Council expresses the Public views on M6 Link Road' but the Town Council expressed its own view and 'learnt' about the opinions of others.
If you want my view then take a survey of Morecambe residents who use the motorway to get to work. Ask businesses who deal with the rest of Lancashire. Check the business plans of any company that looks to visitors getting here from the motorway. The Winter Gardens must be a prime example of a company that fully supports the link road. We are desperate for it. Let's not hear about Lancaster's traffic problems and how this will not be affected. There will still be a problem in Lancaster that needs a coordinated approach, but the problem will not quite as bad because of the link, but this is about Morecambe.
I'll let you know if it gets published. I should also have mentioned people who use the motorway to work in Morecambe or businesses that use the motorway to trade with Morecambe, and I am sure that there are lots of other reasons to support the link but I did only spend a few minutes on it.
Change the world
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Who wants European cooperation?
You would need cooperation from the rest of Europe. You will need to pay your way through Europe so banking systems would be involved, as well as good communication with bus, train or car hire companies. Let's not forget the ferry companies too. You may fall ill so we will need health agreements across Europe. You may break the law (accidentally or deliberately) so we will need some legal procedures that cut across national boundaries. You need to eat and sleep so you need to cope with negotiations for both in foreign languages (although many Europeans do speak English, but you can always point at food and mime the action of sleeping). Shouldn't we coordinate how we deal with this pan European problem with the rest of Europe? There is the minor issue of European trade even if we are only talking about the tourist trade.
I have only thought about this for ten minutes. If you are stuck abroad then I am sure that you will have given it much greater consideration. Yesterday I wrote about how Liberal Democrat policies will be exposed. Now which party is for European cooperation?
Change the world
Monday, 19 April 2010
Let's get rid of childish behaviour
On the 6th April I wrote that it was good to get criticism. Liberal Democrats are now a threat and the other parties must rebut our policies. If that fails then the other two parties will fall back on the "they can't form a government" argument. The answer to this is that you let the electorate vote for the policies that they want, and then you see who has won. I don't want to copy David Steel's rallying cry which was something to do with preparation and government as this falls into the Labour and Tory trap of presuming the result of the election, but this doesn't stop the media from predicting outcomes which make the "they can't form a government" argument apply equally to all parties.
I have written about consensus politics in the past. There is nothing wrong with politicians of all parties working together. It certainly beats the childish behaviour we have in parliament at the moment. What sort of advert is this for Britain?
Change the world
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Let's look for educated answers
In 1974 Labour managed to win more seats with fewer votes than the Tories and this made headlines. This minor blip in our first-past-the-post system was seen as major problem but one which is unlikely to happen again. What happens all the time is that most MPs manage to hold on to their job without much effort. If they want to work hard that's good for their constituents but it is no great incentive if the MP happens to lose an election and is then given another job by the party.
My friend Jon Sopel on Friday's Campaign Show asked about mandates to govern. Was it up to the party with the highest number of seats of the party with the highest number of votes. According to him it is a simple question. It is as if you are taking a GCSE, but if you want a more considered reply then it is a complicated question. I am sure that this question could form part of a thesis. Later he asked if Tony Blair would have done better than Gordon Brown in the televised debate. Again, it is a simple question for GCSE. Jon confirmed the simplicity by telling the interviewees how simple it was. Well it is simple if you see no depth to the question. Do we really want our presenters to dumb down like this? In my previous blog on Jon (Monday 12th April) I was writing about his aggressive style. He wasn't as aggressive on Friday, so let's hope this continues and in the future lets hope he looks for educated answers.
Change the world
P.S. I wrote this yesterday morning and late last night I read that a new poll puts the Liberal Democrats on 32% and in first place. I am told this is the first time in living memory. I presume there were polls in the first few years of the twentieth century.
Saturday, 17 April 2010
What do you say after you lose convincingly?
Yesterday I didn't want to say Nick Clegg had won the debate as I am biased. I know that I am biased but what makes it all the more pleasing is to hear that everyone is talking about it and everyone is saying that Nick Clegg won. I am pleased with the way that Nick came over as a person as well as the content of his answers. One example of this was when the leaders shook hands with the audience. Gordon didn't make eye contact, David gave a cheesy smile and Nick was asking opinions and having a chat.
Yesterday morning Gordon was interviewed on a BBC Radio Sussex programme. The presenter faced him with a question about the polls on the debate. He said Nick won 51% of the vote. This was from Yougov poll in the Sun. I know it is the best of the figures but other polls weren't bad at all. ITV news had Nick at 43%. In fact Nick was consistently the people's favourite. What was Gordon's answer to the radio presenter? "I don't think there was one poll, there were lots of polls". Well Gordon was right and I suppose that it the answer that I would give if I had just lost convincingly.
Even better than polls on the debate are the polls on voting and Liberal Democrats are now at 30%, two points ahead of Labour!
Friday, 16 April 2010
Did you see a debate?
If the Oxford and Cambridge boats get too close then the umpire shouts at both crews. Alistair Stewart was the moderator for the leaders' debate but I would prefer to call him the umpire. He spent most of the time shouting names so that the next leader could speak. This interruption actually stifled debate and led to further soundbites rather than genuine debate. It would almost have been the same programme if they had been filmed in separate studios.
I did get a little out of the debate but if I want to find policy then I will read the manifesto rather than watch television. I did want to see a debate. It is a shame the rules didn't allow it.
Change the world
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Reacting to insults
Gordon Brown still thinks we are called the Liberal Party. This may be a sign of ignorance if he is unaware of the Party's name but I don't think that this is the case. I think it is more likely that he calls the party by a name that changed in 1988 because he thinks it is an insult. Maybe he is ignorant and insulting but I would give him the benefit of the doubt and just call him insulting.
Later on Newsnight Peter Hain calls us Liberals a few times. Is this a central dictat in Labour circles that we should not be called by our official title? There is not usually a reaction from the Liberal Democrats but I was one of those who voted for the name change. I thought it was fairly easy to appreciate the new name but maybe I am missing something and I will get a comment about how I should not be reacting to insults.
Change the world.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Another area for savings
He was mentioned on the local news tonight because he has managed to get legal aid. The reporter thought that there was a sense of irony in this award because he has been charged with taking taxpayers' money and is now receiving more. In the sense that legal aid provides representation in court for those who cannot afford it then there is no irony if Mr Chaytor cannot afford representaion. The only way that you would know if legal aid is needed is by knowing the wealth of the individual and the cost of representation. I know neither, but he has obviously qualified so that's that. We are where we are but let's hope legal aid becomes another area for savings.
Change the world
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Cycling and happiness


In general I like cycling. It is healthy for the cyclist and it is also environmentally friendly. However there are poor cyclists just like there are poor drivers and even people who cause accidents by walking. I used to cycle between Morecambe and Lancaster and there is a clear division on the paths designated for cyclists and that for walkers. You do get a few cyclists who travel next to people at an excessive speed. The proportion of cyclists who do this in Cambridge is far greater. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry and I didn't even see what happens at rush hour. For all the benefits of cycling they didn't look happy. Maybe they are, but at least they should be physically more healthy than their non-cycling counterparts.
Change the world.
Monday, 12 April 2010
I vote for Jon Sopel
I prefer qualitative research for two reasons. Firstly it is easier to justify my opinion, and secondly I don't have a stopwatch or the inclination to time anything. This brings me to Jon Sopel. Whenever I watch him interview a Liberal Democrat he is quite aggressive. I saw him yesterday and he was asking Vince Cable questions and asking another question when Vince had got three words out.
I watch the Politics Show regularly and the grilling that he gave Nick Clegg was nothing compared to that given to David Cameron. One member of the audience welcomed David. Another had been a Tory voter previously and needed some persuasion to vote for them again. Now that shouldn't be difficult given the turmoil in the economy and a government that may be criticised on so many levels.
I think that others who write blogs would like a vote on BBC presenters so that they could get rid of one or two. My vote would be for Jon Sopel.
Change the world
P.S. On Tuesday 13th I watched the programme 'Spotlight on Nick Clegg' presented by Mark Austin. It made a pleasant change to watch a presenter gently interviewing a politician.
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Tory advert is all rosy
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Independent independent independents
Friday, 9 April 2010
Here's a good trick
The funding of the Tory party comes from big business. Businesses have also been aligning themselves with the Tories. So keeping businesses sweet, keeping the super rich wealthy through many policies including inheritance tax, and low national insurance low all play their part in supporting the wealthy.
If you think of the middle class as poor then you don't help the really poor. If you can get their votes and at the same time keep the wealth with the wealthy then that's a good trick.
Change the world
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Ask not what you can do for them
It is not necessarily a bad thing to knock on doors and explain and ask for those signatures. You get people who are not usually involved in the democratic process to think about what is happening around them. I did this today and it was very easy. It took around thirty minutes. We saw 14 people. Amazingly one had already signed a Tory nomination paper. This means that if they had signed ours and we had put the nomination paper into the council first then the Tory paper with the same name wouldn't count and they would have to start again looking for thier ten signatures. Even more amazingly one person had already signed the Green Party nomination paper.
There was one person who was fed up with politicians and another who did not want her name linked to a particular party. However she was a great believer in democracy. She mentioned the benefits from fighting wars against tyranny. I did mention that this should mean that she signs because nobody can stand without those ten signatures. It was a good attempt and it was a pleasant conversation, but it only delayed us by a couple of minutes.
It was a really nice way to spend time talking politics. I have knocked on a lot of doors asking if there was anything I could do, but it worked so much better asking if they could do something for us.
Change the world
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Meaningless negative posters
My second problem with this poster is that I consider the early release of prisoners as a very important aspect of prisoner rehabilitation. I have written previously about the prison service and it has to serve as a punishment, but if rehabilitation is not high on the agenda then we will produce schools of crime. Even if you don't put rehabilitation high on your prison agenda then it has to be somewhere on the list. Once you accept this you also accept the problem with the poster. It is meaningless.
Are we really fighting this general election on meaningless negative posters?
Change the world
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Mud slinging must be good
It is good to receive compliments from Labour, and some would say it is even better for Michael Gove to respond by criticising the Liberal Democrats as he did on the news yesterday evening. Usually when the Tories are beaten by the arguments they just say that Liberal Democrats can't form governments. They must feel threatened to criticise personalities.
I look forward to the televised leaders' debates and if they are anything like Channel 4's "Ask the Chancellors", then I can hope for more Liberal Democrat criticism. It's a pity that Michael didn't mention any policies, but was just slinging mud.
Change the world.
Monday, 5 April 2010
How does Chris Grayling get out of this one?
It is a red herring to defend Mr Grayling on the grounds that it was a private meeting. He either supports the rights of bed and breakfast owners or he doesn't. He can't be defended on the grounds that the media are attacking the Tories. If a politician wishes to put forward views that are contentious then they will be reported.
Problems occur when the rights of Christians conflict with the rights of others. Christians must follow their conscience. If their role conflicts with their conscience then they must change their role. If we did no business with sinners then business would come to a halt. It is one thing to have an opinion and it is another to impose it.
Change the world
Sunday, 4 April 2010
More poor adverts


Sheelagh from Frodsham has never voted Tory before but has decided that this is the party which will help every child get a good education. What sort of statement is this? Is she actually saying that politicians belonging to other parties give up on certain children? It just doesn't make sense. In fact it is so false I think the children can see through it. Hence the adaptation on the right.
It is fairly obvious that I don't want the Tories to win. This is partly because of their poor adverts, partly because the extra millions that they pay out for adverts is an affront to democracy, but mostly it is because I disagree with many of their policies.
Change the world
Saturday, 3 April 2010
Even more posters


The photo on the right is amended. It is my attempt to do something about the millions of pounds that are spent on marginal constituencies. The posters not only say very little but I think they are misleading. I would also question how it is possible to spend so much money in one constituency. I have not visited all poster sites but I have written about many posters that have now been seen for the third time since January. I thought there had been changes on the amount of expenditure in a general election and one of the changes was that there was a limit starting in January of the year of the election. No doubt there is a loophole and the Tories will spend infinitely more than all other parties. This can't be right.
Change the world
*fairly wealthy in relation to those who may be classified as poor on the Tory scale.
Friday, 2 April 2010
Make the rich richer and the poor poorer
Yesterday the British Chambers of Commerce, the CBI and five other organisations said the Tories "deserved credit" for their opposition to the planned increase of national insurance contributions. As long as everyone understands that in relative terms this makes the rich richer and the poor poorer then everyone knows where they stand.
Change the world
P.S. I have written blogs for the next couple of days and both attack the Tories among other things for the amount they are spending on their campaign in relation to the other parties. There are laws about this and on Saturday morning I received a questionnaire from them with an SAE. This should have cost them half the total amount of their campaign but I suspect there is a lot more to come. They can't say this post is targeted because I have told them in their three phone calls to me in the last two years that I am a Liberal Democrat.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Vince wins hands down
I thought it was particularly poignant when Vince attacked the Tory position on cuts. He said that in the previous week the Tories were denouncing government efficiency savings as complete fiction but they were now using these fictitious cuts to finance their own propositions. It was poignant because there was no Tory response.
Vince also criticised the Tories because they had not even named the government departments in which cuts would be made. There was a vague answer that the Tories had the support of two people we have never heard of. There was an opportunity for debating this issue but it was not taken. I could have chosen most of the questions and answers from the programme and it didn't matter whether they were Labour or Tory answers. Vince won hands down. Now I am biased so it is particularly pleasing that since Monday people with no political affiliation have told me Vince was best.
Change the world